Wow, I didn’t even realize the scope of the rust-wasm
project. It’s significantly larger than I thought! It’s not as useful an example as it looked at first.
Yes, the PureScript community is much smaller than the Rust community. I’m on board with not creating a proliferation of repositories and organizations unnecessarily. We do have the perfectly fine purescript-contrib
available to experiment with some of these ideas
I am with you on being unclear on what exactly this group would be documenting and what content to place in this repository / organization to get things started. Though @kevinbarabash mentioned build times and bundling as a start, I’m hesitant to endorse creating new structure to maintain without a quite clear idea as to what exactly it’s supposed to create.
If the idea is that people do not have the resources necessary to succeed (without a ton of effort) in convincing their company to adopt PureScript for their single-page application, or in actually building that application, and that some tutorials and recommendations would help solve this problem, then it might be a better move to gather more information first. Specifically I’d want to be sure that the sort of problem that this effort is meant to address is a) solvable by documentation and b) understood well enough to be competently addressed.
It may be useful to reach out to folks who have succeeded or failed in developing a single-page application in PureScript or in introducing PureScript to their organization to learn more about what caused the success or failure. And to places like #purescript and #purescript-beginners for people who haven’t even attempted yet because some part of the process was a blocker. If it’s possible for a documentation project to emphasize the success factors and reduce or remove the failure / blocking factors, then I am 100% behind the effort and pledge to pitch in.
That’s why I ended up making purescript-halogen-realworld
– one significant blocker I experienced when first using PureScript in a professional setting was that there simply weren’t approachable examples of how you even build a full SPA in the language, just small examples.
It may turn out that the big problems that prevent folks from succeeding with PureScript for building single-page applications require solutions other than documentation, like a splashy landing page with logos for their boss to look at or better purescript-the-language training or conveniences like create-react-app
and so on.
Maybe time would be better spent adding in-depth tutorial content, advanced patterns, etc. to Halogen and React Basic and helping to create web sites like React’s to increase the legitimacy of our flagship UI libraries.
I’m certainly not trying to dissuade documentation / tutorial / teaching efforts, but we all have quite limited time to invest in helping PureScript succeed and I’d like to be sure that time invested will bear as much fruit as possible.