RFC: documenting PureScript's governance/structures/policies/processes

@hdgarrood I accepted the invitation to the org, but it seems like I don’t have permission to create new repos, which is necessary to move other repos too. Here’s how to enable that

@f-f done! But also I’ve given you full admin rights now so you can set up anything that might be required without being hindered again.

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Yeah, it only gave me the option to invite you as a member in the first instance, I think you have to wait until the person has accepted the invitation to make them an admin.

Thanks @garyb and @hdgarrood! I managed to finally fix CI and publish a new release from the new location :tada:

At this point there should be only two things to fix:

  • @hdgarrood could you delete your AppVeyor build for Spago? It looks like both mine and yours are building against the repo, but only mine has the right tokens
  • I wanted to downgrade my status from “owner” to “member” of the org as agreed, but GitHub doesn’t seem to let me do that, does anyone know how to do it?
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I’ve downgraded you to “member”, but also made a Spago team which you’re a member of, and given that team admin rights to spago - hopefully that’ll mean you can change anything that might need changing in the future. :slight_smile:


Good to hear! The appveyor project should be deleted now.

In case there is need for details of governance models, the people behind the Core Infrastructure Initiative’s best practices and badge system have spent a lot of time defining criteria and conversing with a variety of projects to ensure they are correct, appropriate, and fair.

This document discusses the basic requirements of a project’s governance model for the Silver badge, amongst other things like essential documentation:

As a side-note, the requirements for the “basics” badge is documented here, for those interested:

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