Hi, I’m new to PureScript and I’m trying to make a function that takes a file path and returns a readline interface. The stream passed into RL.createInterface
is a normal readable stream or a gunzip’ed readable stream depending on the extension of the file. But this doesn’t compile:
createInterface :: String -> Effect RL.Interface
createInterface path = do
stream' <- stream
RL.createInterface stream' mempty
where stream = case (path # endsWith ".gz") of
false -> createReadStream path
true -> do
rs <- createReadStream path
gz <- createGunzip
_ <- rs `pipe` gz
pure gz
I know that createReadStream
returns Effect Readable ()
, and here createGunzip
returns Effect Duplex
. How can this be made to work? Looking at the docs for Duplex, it seems that it can be treated as Readable
By the way, refactoring the function into this form allows it to work:
createInterface :: String -> Effect RL.Interface
createInterface path = do
rs <- createReadStream path
case path # endsWith ".gz" of
false -> RL.createInterface rs mempty
true -> do
gz <- createGunzip
_ <- rs `pipe` gz
RL.createInterface gz mempty
But I’m still curious about why my original version doesn’t work.