I just have a quick question about how arrays operate, in particular how they handle equality. If for example I have two
Array PlaylistTimelineMeta
where PlaylistTimelineMeta looks like this:
newtype PlaylistTimelineMeta = PlaylistTimelineMeta
{ duration ∷ Seconds
, zipURL ∷ String
, zipModified ∷ Instant
derive instance genericPlaylistTimelineMeta ∷ Generic PlaylistTimelineMeta _
derive instance newtypePlaylistTimelineMeta ∷ Newtype PlaylistTimelineMeta _
instance showPlaylistTimelineMeta ∷ Show PlaylistTimelineMeta where
show = genericShow
derive instance eqPlaylistTimelineMeta ∷ Eq PlaylistTimelineMeta
Would I be able to just compare the two arrays for equality. I would assume since it doesn’t throw a hissy fit when I try it is indeed checking the the objects inside. Since all object in the array conform to Eq then it should be able to successfully compare them, correct? The main reason why I am asking here is because PlaylistTimelineMeta only changes once a day at 2am so its a pain to troubleshoot and would be much easier if I understood how this is actually working.