Core team & collaborator additions

I’m delighted to announce that the following people have joined the core team:

@rhendric, nominated for his work on the compiler and participation in governance discussions (for example, helping with the Code of Conduct we adopted earlier this year).
@nwolverson, nominated for his stewardship of IDE tooling for PureScript and his work on the most active alternate backend for the compiler, purerl.

I’m also proud to announce new core collaborators, folks who act essentially as core team members but for one or more dedicated areas of PureScript rather than the entire project:

@colinwahl (Registry, Spago), nominated for his work on the PureScript Registry as well as his contributions to the compiler and Spago over the past few years.
@milesfrain (Book), nominated for his stewardship of the PureScript book over the past few years as well as general contributions across PureScript to help with compiler releases.
@mikesol (Survey), nominated for spearheading the new PureScript survey as an annual project

The governance documents for PureScript have been updated with our new members:

Congratulations to each of you, and I’m excited for what next year brings for PureScript!