I am trying to use prop
(https://pursuit.purescript.org/packages/purescript-halogen/3.1.3/docs/Halogen.HTML.Properties#v:prop) to set a CSS-variable using (for example)
boardSize :: Int
boardSize = 8
boardSizeProp :: forall r i. HP.IProp r i
boardSizeProp = HP.prop (HH.PropName "--boardSize") $ show boardSize
[ HP.classes [ HH.ClassName "board-grid" ]
, boardSizeProp
[ ... ]
.board-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--boardSize), 80px);
but cannot get it to work. (I’m on Purescript 0.11.7)
Using actual value did not help:
HP.prop (HH.PropName "--boardSize") boardSize
and neither did putting the prop on the highest-most div
But the technique is successfully demoed in JS-based https://codepen.io/michellebarker/pen/xWPyWj
Kindly advise.