Current Ecosystem for Backend

I have a greenfield full stack project coming up and I’m looking to build it in PureScript. However, I currently have no backend experience with PureScript. What are the current best options for backend?


Hi what do you mean with backend? Are you looking for ways to build the server/backend part with PureScript and are looking for packages/frameworks/bindings or purescript-backends (compiling to something different than JS/Node)?
Or are you looking for languages/frameworks that works nicely(?) with PureScript?


I’m looking for a backend web framework. Ideally one that is 100% PureScript and not just bindings to another library.


HTTPurple :kite: is a backend http server for Node.js written in Purescript. It´s originally a fork from @cprussin ’s amazing HTTPure but with a lot of new additions.


I ended up going with HTTPure, thanks for the tip :slight_smile:
perhaps next time I will give HTTPurple a try.

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I went to make a new full stack app today, and after copy-paste-trimming my old codebase, I have come to find out httpure is no longer in the package set and hasn’t been updated in 2 years. Just curious if anything else has popped up since a year ago, or if HTTPurple :kite: now stands alone.