I’m trying to work out how to add custom error messages. I would have thought that I can create a type class with one instance for the success and a second instance in chain to provide an error message. Here is a small example that I was hoping would work:
import Prim.Row (class Lacks)
import Prim.TypeError (class Fail, Text)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
class MustLack :: forall k. Symbol -> Row k -> Constraint
class MustLack key row
instance doesLack :: ( Lacks key row ) => MustLack key row
else instance doesNotLack :: Fail (Text "Already has key in row") => MustLack key row
check ::
forall key value row.
MustLack key row =>
Proxy key -> value -> Record row -> Boolean
check _ _ _ = true
_foo_ = Proxy :: Proxy "foo"
r = check _foo_ 5 { foo: "Hello" }
However the error message is just about how the first instance’s constraint fails:
No type class instance was found for
Prim.Row.Lacks "foo"
( foo :: String
while solving type class constraint
MustLack.MustLack "foo"
( foo :: String
I’d guess this must mean that discriminant between instances can’t be in the constriant but in the type? So how would you go about adding a custom error message in this case?
I think some more documentation would be appreciated for custom error messages as the only example I can find is for warning messages on deprecated functions. It’d be good to see examples of when it’s useful to use Fail
Thanks for any and all help.