In the past I tried a bit with to some mixed results. I currently use psc-ide-emacs with some elisp functions written to make it a bit easier for me to use, but I have some various reasons to not want to use this plugin anymore.
I’ve started work on a fork of lsp-mode that adds purescript as an lsp-mode client. It’s actually mostly functional already, the only thing it lacks is auto-completion for stuff contained within fully qualified import modules – this is actually an issue with purescript-language-server itself though (I think). My fork is here if anyone is interested:
Tiny bump on this since I came across this while looking for answers. Turns out there’s a bug in the syntax table for purescript-mode where . is treated as a “symbol constituent” rather than “punctuation”. In turn, Emacs takes as the entire identifier to match against completion candidates rather than just so