Has anyone had any success using contenteditable
on arbitrary elements in a nice way with Halogen? I think I got most of the way there, but I was forced into a bit of an FFI hack for the last part.
To make an HTML div
that I can respond to input
events on, I did this:
import DOM.HTML.Indexed (Interactive)
import Web.Event.Event (Event)
import Halogen.HTML (AttrName, ElemName(..), Node, element, text)
import Halogen.HTML.Properties (attr)
type HTMLeditDiv = Interactive (onScroll :: Event, onInput :: Event)
editDiv :: forall w i. Node HTMLeditDiv w i
editDiv = element (ElemName "div")
which I can then use as
editDiv [attr (AttrName "contenteditable") "true",
onInput $ Just <<< HandleInput] [text "Some editable text"]
That works fine: the div
is editable, and it generates the right events as you edit the text.
The problem comes when you come to process those events, because I need to extract the HTML text from the event target, and the only way I can see to do it is something like this:
foreign import editDivContent :: Event -> String
handleAction :: forall o m. MonadEffect m => Action -> HalogenM State Action () o m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
HandleInput event -> do
liftEffect $ log $ "EVENT: " <> editDivContent event
where editDivContent
is this FFI function:
exports.editDivContent = function(event) {
return event.target.innerHTML;
Is there a better way to do this? I fear I’ve just not read the docs for the event types properly!