I’m playing with example from hyper http framework
module Examples.HelloHyper where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Indexed.Qualified as Ix
import Effect (Effect)
import Hyper.Node.Server (defaultOptionsWithLogging, runServer)
import Hyper.Response (closeHeaders, respond, writeStatus)
import Hyper.Status (statusOK)
main :: Effect Unit
main =
let app = Ix.do
writeStatus statusOK
respond "Hello, Hyper!"
in runServer defaultOptionsWithLogging {} app
so as first example I decided that it would by better if app was named handler and extracted to sepparated function, but after quite time of experimenting and copy pasting I can’t figure out what type that function is supposed to be
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Indexed.Qualified as Ix
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Hyper.Middleware (Middleware)
import Hyper.Node.Server (defaultOptionsWithLogging, runServer, HttpRequest, HttpResponse)
import Hyper.Response (closeHeaders, respond, writeStatus, StatusLineOpen, ResponseEnded)
import Hyper.Status (statusOK)
import Hyper.Conn (Conn)
-- ??
handler = Ix.do
writeStatus statusOK
respond "Hello, Hyper!"
main :: Effect Unit
main = runServer defaultOptionsWithLogging {} handler
I started by copying the function signature from runServer:
Middleware Aff (Conn HttpRequest (HttpResponse StatusLineOpen) c) (Conn HttpRequest (HttpResponse ResponseEnded) c') Unit
But then had to fill-in the missing c and c' types. We know what c is from the empty record passed {}. Then I just made a guess and tried the same for c' - Not sure if that’s the most ideal. An intermediate components :: ComponentsType should help with maintainability.
Edit: You can also make the signature a bit less busy with something like:
type ConnHttp resp = Conn HttpRequest (HttpResponse resp) ComponentsType
handler :: Middleware Aff (ConnHttp StatusLineOpen) (ConnHttp ResponseEnded) Unit