Leaving the Core Team

I’m stepping down from my role as a PureScript Core Team member. If you’re not aware of what that is, see the PureScript governance repo’s “Core Team Members” section.

I’m stepping down for the following reasons.
First, my context has changed significantly since I first joined the PureScript community years ago. My free time is significantly less due to the stage of life I’m currently in. So, I’m partially stepping down as a way to communicate expectations: I can’t fulfill my role like I used to. My hope is that this encourages someone else to step up in my place.

Second, my goals have changed:

  • I want to further develop my computer science knowledge and skills, filling in holes that currently exist.
  • I want to explore dependently-typed languages like Lean 4

Before stepping down, I assumed the following 3 responsibilities.

First, I updated Try PureScript and Pursuit to the next compiler release.

Second, I helped maintain the core, contributor, node, and web libraries. This included responding to opened issues, but the majority of the work I did was updating these libraries to the next breaking compiler release. (Once the new Spago is released, updating these libraries should be much easier because of the new monorepo support.)

Third, I contributed, reviewed, and approved compiler PRs. Let’s just say I did my best, but I never considered myself to be one of the experts on the core team in these activities.

As for what my involvement with the PureScript community will be in the future, I don’t know. On the one hand, I’m not sure where the pursuit of my goals will take me, nor how long I’ll pursue them before considering new goals. On the other hand, if I’m developing a web application, let’s just say I can’t imagine using JavaScript or TypeScript to accomplish that goal. And if something is broken (library, build tool, etc.), then I might contribute something to address that. So, you may see me pop in here and there on the Discord chat.

Outside of my core team responsibilities, my main public contribution was writing and maintaining PureScript: Jordan’s Reference. I did that to help myself understand the language, build tools, and ecosystem with the hope that it would be helpful to someone else. I don’t foresee myself updating that in the future, but I might if I want to document something for myself and I don’t know where else to put it. I also wrote a few libraries, but I don’t think any of them had much traction or usage. At the very least, forking them shouldn’t be that hard.

I’m grateful I had the opportunity to serve in this role and collaborate with people who mentored me.

  • Thank you @garyb for answering my initial Halogen question way back when and giving me a reason to join this community in the first place; it’s been time well-spent.
  • Thank you @f-f and @thomashoneyman for working with me back in the 0.13.x-era. Our weekly meetings were fun and we’ve accomplished much since then. You guys rock!
  • Thank you @rhendric for submitting compiler PRs and reviewing my compiler PRs. I’m astounded by the depth and clarity of your thought process, and I hope to grow in those areas myself.
  • Thank you @natefaubion for the libraries and tools you’ve written that I use regularly as well as the willingness to understand and answer so many of my questions.
  • Thank you @nwolverson for maintaining the purescript-language-server and its related packages, as you’ve been the silent hero making my IDE experience great.
  • Thank you @JamesBrock for taking it upon yourself to significantly improve purescript-parsing.
  • Thank you @antti for the continued effort on the Chez Scheme backend.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication over the past several years on the core team, Jordan. It’s hard to find a library you didn’t contribute to, and a huge chunk of PureScripters learned to write the language from your reference.

I’ll remember fondly the many working groups and weekly meetings we set up for the 0.13, 0.14, and 0.15 compiler releases, improving the contributor, web, and node libraries, and working on Spago and the Registry together. I hope to still see you around on the PureScript chats!


Hi Jordan,

also from my side a huge thank you for all the work you have done for the Purescript community over the years. Your reference was one of the entry points for me when I started working with Purescript and your libs are in many of my projects. I also really enjoyed working with your on the ES module migration and remember the ton of work you did on updating hundreds of libraries, the compiler, your work on the registry!

So again huge thanks for making Purescript such a nice language to work with! I know we’ll be in touch anyway, but still want to wish you all the best for your next goals!


You’ve been an amazing contributor to several core PureScript projects, and your creativity and commitment will be missed!

If you feel that there are any specific initiatives that folks from the community could assume as you step down, please let us know. For example, if there are any longstanding projects with the Registry or Spago that you were shepherding but that are difficult for you to continue with, I’m sure people can jump in to get stuff over the line.


I’ve just shown up to PS (after years working with Scala, JS, TS) and already your reference has proven indispensable. Glad I got here in time to thank you on your way to new adventures. So thanks much and safe travels!


Thank you for your time and work .


Wishing you all the best wherever you go, Jordan. Your contributions to the language and community were amazing and beyond that i’m personally grateful for your time, insight and suggestions on stuff that i was building in the past.


You don’t know me, but since using PureScript, I’ve seen your name around everywhere! Thank you so much for all the contributions and general work you’ve put into PureScript.

Lean looks really interesting. Heh, maybe in future I’ll see there’s a new language called LeanScript that compiles to JS, and your name will be everywhere. :smiley:

Good luck with this new stage of your life, and all the best.


Thank you for all your work @JordanMartinez .


I can resonate with this. I’ve been banging me head against the wall of ATS for the past two week for ‘fun’.

Good luck on the journey. :slight_smile:


Thank you Jordan, for countless hours of time spent on running the show!


if only this job was paid …

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