Please Review My Pull Requests to Vector, Linear Algebra, and Money

I went ahead and updated these three modules because they weren’t available in the latest package set.

I’ve done extensive work with extending money (adding Yoga.JSON instances) but I haven’t submitted that in the pull request (obviously). That will pro will be in a new module I’m going to call money-yoga and other functions that I ended up building for making money easier to deal with will go in the main repo eventually. Maybe I should try to become the new maintainer because I don’t see the original maintainer (“TinkerTravel”) being very active.

Most of my fixes were totally straightforward and should be merged no problem.

It felt good to fix modules that had deterred me from using Purescript for a while. It’s crazy how easy some of the updates were. It’s nice to have big brother Haskell to look to when I have any design questions to be answered (and the author is hard to ping).

I added a flake with lock file into each library for fun (and determinism perhaps).

Attn: Tinker Travel, Michael Karg, and Krzysztof Langner!

If you don’t get a response (one of these libraries hasn’t seen a commit in 8 years) you may need to fork and publish your fork as a new library. Always nice to contact authors to try and get updates in, but forking is perfectly acceptable when a library has gone unmaintained.