Post-LambdaConf 2019 - PureScript hackathon

At LambdaConf 2019, several hackathons will be held on the Sunday following the conference, from 9am - 4pm. PureScript (and other front-end functional programming languages) will have a hackathon as part of that!

Link to the official page:

I’ll be helping to organize that event, so it will be helpful to discover the general number of people who would like to attend that. Practical uses:

  • We might need to be responsible for finding our own food, so numbers of eaters are important when choosing and ordering food.
  • I’m considering whether it would be helpful to open up a virtual room to attempt remotely participating in the event. From my experience attending past LambdaConfs, I believe there will be several people who will want to attend this event but are flying home on Saturday or even Friday.
  • Planning how many projects to organize for people to work on, and the type of projects attendees want to work on.
  • Add these people to a communications list to ensure they get updates about this event. At time of writing this post I haven’t considered how to manage this communications, so expect an edit to this post later to include details.

Other languages are invited to be part of this same hackathon, so subsequent planning will need to occur in a language-agnostic place. I expect cross-language discussion on my Twitter post for this event:

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