Psc-package release v0.6.0 missing windows binaries

Seems that the windows binaries didn’t get generated. Was that intentional?

@justinw asked me to ping @hdgarrood about this.

@justinw looks like you’ve fixed the issue which prevented building binaries so you should make a new tag and appveyor should be able to build the binaries

i only changed the access key, and i dont think i have access to appveyor

If you don’t have appveyor access then the access key appveyor has is probably Phil’s so I don’t see why it would have stopped working.

It probably expired or Phil chose to clean up his old access keys. I don’t have AppVeyor access so I can’t do anything about it.

Could you please go update the GitHub access token used by AppVeyor and restart the job? It should make it work, since the last AppVeyor failure was just due to not having creds.


Ah, gotcha. (I didn’t spot this failure before.)

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Thanks to both of you. I see that the windows packages got generated now. I’ll push out the chocolatey package for this release.