Purescript vs Idris2 javascript backend


  1. What do You think about Idris2?
  2. Speed of generated code
  1. I find Idris fascinating - I played around with Idris(1) a lot - Idris2 is AFAIK not ready and not exactly easy to setup / work with - I’m hoping to get into it more as soon as it is a bit more user-friendly usable :wink:
  2. I have no clue - never tried the JS backend. Personally PureScript is at the sweet spot for me when it comes to web-client development. And before trying Idris2 I’d probably try the new Haskell backend first

new Haskell backend? :grinning: I cannot find it here documentation/Alternate-backends.md at master · purescript/documentation · GitHub

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Well I guess I should be more clear.

I was not thinking about an PureScript → Haskell Backend - I was talking about the Haskell → Webassembly backend … I thought this is about ways to generate JS functionally :wink:


I haven’t used Idris enough to comment much, but I gotta say I love its semantical additions to Haskell, namely the use of namespaces and alternative branches for pattern matching in do-notation

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