Continuing the discussion from Dear purescript-parsing users,:
On the subject of purescript-parsing:
Now that yall mentioned unicode, I wonder, is the dependency on the unicode package really necessary? I’m pretty sure I had to drop this lib from a previous project because of the insane bundle sizes (ended up ffi-ing to nearley )
I agree that
leads to excessive bundle sizes. I don’t think there’s a reason that it couldn’t be trimmed significantly, but it would require someone making a dedicated effort to help with that.
I have questions about this. Doesn’t everyone, in practice, run some kind of “dead-code-elimination,” “tree-shaking,” “minimization” when they bundle their code? And doesn’t that remove all of the parts of the unicode package which are not used?
I could remove the unicode dependency from Parsing.String.Basic pretty easily and just explain how to combine i.e. isLetter
with satisfyCodePoint
. But is it worth it? Would that actually, in practice, improve bundle sizes?