I went to use the ‘’purescript-money’’ module and found it was 8 years out of date and no longer in the package set. So, I went about updating it (including adding a flake and migrating to the newest spago).
It compiles and the tests pass (after a slight -1 adjustment to one of the expected results!).
I wonder if someone might look it over before I submit a pull request to try and get it reintroduced into the latest package set.
Here’s the link:
What a ghost town! Haha
I created a new branch and extended it a bit today to fulfill some of my needs on a project I’m working on that relies heavily on type safe currency manipulation .
I selfishly added yoga-json instances so I can use it in my other project too. I’d obviously strip those out to keep it unopinionated but some of the functionality I added makes it a lot more ergonomic to work with now.
As I get further and further in the project I’m building that uses this refactored currency code, I’m seeing more and more need for extensions that provide instances (like I built).
I also want to get into bigInts for situations where we’re dealing with cryptocurrency and other such oddities.
I’ll definitely submit the extensions I build as new modules that can stack on top of Purescript-money in much the same way that safe-money has in the Haskell world.
Speaking of which, I’ll be borrowing heavily from safe-money in the Haskell ecosystem for guidance on many of my extensions, obviously.
If anyone wants to help, I’d be honored.