Hi all!
Barring any major obstacles, our second annualSurvey will ship on 2023-03-15 at 8AM PST

When the survey ships, we will make announcements on several channels, including Hacker News, this Discourse, the PureScript subreddit, lobsters, and the community watering holes of various adjacent languages.
At that time, and for approximately 2h afterwards, we will need a team of helpers that can share the survey link, comment upon the survey link on certain platforms (i.e. Hacker News), and field questions from folks discovering PureScript for the first time. This worked quite well last year and I think it will have a similar impact this year.
If you can be part of this team, please mark that you’ll be attending the event included on this post. When the survey launches, we’ll make a separate post on this Discourse, but we’ll coordinate the survey’s diffusion on this topic for around 2h after the launch. That is when the helpers will need to be attentive to new information.
Thanks in advance to those that can help!
P.S. An additional component this year will be a focus on companies using PureScript in production. Last year, we did not do concerted outreach to developers and managers at these companies, and we’d like to improve that this year. I will be assembling a PureScript in Production list next week that we can add to - while it’s outside of the purview of this event, I thought I’d mention it here for folks that are interested in the survey, as it’ll be another important undertaking.
Today’s the big day!
In around 7 hours the survey will be sent out to the four corners of the world - and beyond! A big thanks to those who RSVP’d to the “launch squad” event.
The survey has been tested by two takers that offered great feedback, so it’s in good shape. When 8AM PST arrives, we’ll spread the link far and wide, and I’ll also do my best to get it into the hands of teams that are using PureScript in industry.
See y’all in 7h when I’ll press the big red button to launch this thing!
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Aaaand we’re off! The Second Annual PureScript Survey! Apologies for the delay, I was at my daughter’s guitar lesson and for some reason the city internet wasn’t working there. Just got back and sent it out!
In the next few hours, I’ll post on lobste.rs and I’ll also reach out to the Idris community. Could someone with more reddit karma than me post on reddit?
In general, we should keep our eyes peeled for issues that come in during the next few hours, for example if there’s a firewall in a particular country. Other than that it should be smooth sailing!
In addition, tomorrow morning Finnish time, I’ll ping everyone that responded to the PureScript in Industry thread and send them the link personally.
So that’s it. Onwards and upwards!
I think the link to issue #314 is broken. Leads to an unrelated issue.
not sure if I have more karma (no clue what is high/low there) but I did post the link into r/purescript, idris, elm and haskell (hope I did not violate any cross-post rules there
Ok, thanks! I will fix it in ~3h when I’m back in front of my 
Thank you!! I’m sure it’s fine, I will upvote when I’m back 
Update: had to remove it from /r/Haskell - turns out I have violated the No1 rule (… must be related to Haskell) - well
gotta love Reddit
What a shame! PureScript is on hackage
and is used as a library in several Haskell applications besides the PureScript compiler (for example, I’ve used it as an extension language in Haskell programs). Many of the things being asked about in the survey have to do with functionality that is accessible at the library level. Do you think that from this angle they’d allow it? If not it’s no biggie, but I thought I’d throw it out there. Thanks for your efforts in spreading the word!
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Fixed! Thanks again for spotting this.
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Going to bed, but FYI we’ve had 47 responses so far, putting us a bit lower than last year’s velocity at this time. Perhaps the novelty last year of it being “the first” garnered more interest, and also perhaps the fact that people spend less time in front of screens now that Covid has eased up. At any rate, keep beating the survey drum and those who hear it will come & fill it out!
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