Table of Contents for 'Purescript: Jordan's Reference'

My repo now has a Table of Contents that is automatically generated via an in-repo project.

See the file here:

Source code (along with pre-req explanations) is here:

Feel free to tell me where my code is terrible. I’m still learning and would appreciate suggestions.


This is a huge resource! Thanks for putting in the time and effort to produce it.

Once small criticism at first glance is you tend to use “instance” a lot when referring to values of a type (eg I think this is a bit of an OOPism, and a little overloaded since we have instances in PS and these aren’t them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. “An instance of type Foo” can be phrased simply as “a value of type Foo”.

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Once small criticism at first glance is you tend to use “instance” a lot when referring to values of a type

Ah, good point! I’ll open an issue for it.

Amazing stuff!
I see it as a basis for a future book (“PureScript by Example” vol.2)…

Keep going!..

Just wanted to let you know that I’ve updated my repo to account for your critique. Atom’s “Project Find and Replace” helped me to complete this quicker than it would have taken otherwise.


Not a bad suggestion, but if it is turned into a book, I would probably call it by some other name. Who knows whether Phil will update his book again in the future?