[Tip] Configure Web Browser for Convenient Pursuit Lookup

Here’s a tip on how to make Pursuit even more convenient. Enable the following behavior in your web browser:

  1. Type a query in your address bar, e.g.:
    ps foldl

  2. Get foldl search results in Pursuit.

Just setup either of these:

The Firefox instructions seem to be a bit dated. My quickstart guide is the following:

  1. Open bookmarks with Ctrl+Shift+O
  2. Organize > New Bookmark
  3. Fill-in location and keyword fields

My settings:

  • Pursuit - has all published packages and nice results rankings
    • keyword: ps
    • url: https://pursuit.purescript.org/search?q=%s
  • Starsuit - results restricted to latest package set
    • keyword: ss
    • url: https://spacchetti.github.io/starsuit/#search:%s
  • Jordan’s Reference
    • keyword: jr
    • url: https://jordanmartinez.github.io/purescript-jordans-reference-site/?search=%s

Note: DuckDuckGo has built-in bang searches for for Pursuit, so you if you use DDG as your default search engine, these also work:

  • !pursuit foldl
  • !purs foldl

I’m searching in Pursuit so often, that I find it’s worth a little extra configuration to shorten !purs to ps.