PureScript Inaugural Survey: Call for Help on 2022-02-28

I don’t have an account

I have an account. I could post it or give an invitation link. I’m unsure what karma level is required to make posts though.

I can make the post, but it’ll be @ 23:00 BKK time, so I can’t promise to be around long after. It appears @thomashoneyman took my invite link so hopefully he could cover any questions while I’m asleep. That said, Lobsters tends to have discussions slower and longer than Hacker News due to less traffic, so responding late doesn’t go into the void.


Just a reminder that this starts in 4 minutes.



Here is the message that will be posted far and wide. I will start with our community discord and attach links as I post it. I will send out the first post in 10m - I’m currently opening a bunch of browser windows to various sites so it can go out more or less simultaneously. If you spot any issues with the blurb, please let me know

Here is the blurb that I’ll be posting:

I’m excited to announce the first annual PureScript Survey!

As the PureScript ecosystem grows, it’s important for our community to understand how the language is being used, in what contexts it is being adopted, and what we could do to improve both the language and our community’s governance.

The survey opens today, February 28th, and stays open for one week. It closes on March 7th.

I very much hope that you’ll take a moment to fill out the survey. Even if you’re not using PureScript, we want to hear from you. Here is a link to the survey: PureScript Annual Survey 2022. In addition to filling it out, please feel free to share it. Thanks!

@JordanMartinez , I just realized that I may not have enough reddit karma for my posts to go through - I only have a meeshkan account from back when meeshkan was a thing, but it has very low karma. Are you a redditer? If you are and you post somewhat-regularly, there’s a greater chance your post will go through and result in alerts/notifications. Otherwise, I can try with Meeshkan. Apologies that I did not realize this before about the karma system - only am reading about it now that I’m clicking through the various posting mechanisms.

Unfortunately, no. I don’t have such an account, but I do read from that site regularly.

First announcement: The First Annual PureScript Survey!.

Lobsters: PureScript Annual Survey 2022 | Lobsters

I changed the wording from “I” to “we”

Is the Reddit handled? I can do that… and/or Hacker News

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New Links | Hacker News - DONE!

Tostal, could you do reddit? Thanks! My karma is quite low, so the chances it’ll pop out are low.

@mikesol I can also do the Reddit ones, I’ve got plenty of karma from posting on the Haskell subreddit. Also, do you mind editing your original post to put these links up at the top so they’re easy to see right away?

Ok, you can duke it out with toastal for who posts. Again apologies for not realizing about this karma thing before!

I highly doubt either cares about Reddit karma that much :joy: … I can do r/elm though

Once reddit is live please post it here and I’ll upvote with my very meager karma :smiley:

I’ll post to the Haskell subreddit, but would you mind doing the others?

Ok, so to summarize, @thomashoneyman will do Haskell, @toastal will do elm & PureScript.

I don’t think individuals care about (reddit) karma, but it looks like reddit’s algos do when deciding whether or not to send push notifications.

Posted on FP Slack.

Posted on Zulip.

I’m adding the shareable links back over to the announcement post:

Live on dev.to