Small PureScript online meetup - 2020-07-27

I would like to apologize as well for not managing yesterday - the last week has been a hard week health-wise for me (I even ended up at the hospital some days ago, nothing too serious fortunately) and I had to be off-screen because of that yesterday.
That made it hard to properly coordinate with @paluh - which has been incredibly supportive to keep these meetups going even when my personal life gets complicated. So I would like to express my gratitude for his work (and everyone else involved) and also invite to take it easy - we all have stuff going on and it’s ok if things sometimes slip off and are not 100% where the expectations are, it’s part of the journey and happens to everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

So we’ll try to make this happen next week, and take care in the meanwhile!


Additional note: Google Meet now supports meetings up to 100 people on free accounts, so:

  • we don’t strictly need to use Zoom anymore
  • …but anyone with a Gmail account can create a meeting and post the link here

This should make it easier to have a place to meet in future cases when we don’t manage to be here at the agreed time

@thomashoneyman I think this calendar plugin is all we need. It now has event support built-in.

Regarding the video call links. Google Meet is nice because you can keep reusing the same link, and it won’t expire unless it’s never joined for 90 days. So we can just include that link in a recurring event. A downside is that Meet requires a google account to join.

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I’ve created a separate thread for the next meetup for clarity. Do you think that I should merge with this one and just update the title?

I wonder if calendar would work for our meetups scenario. It seems that calendar is attached to the single topic but we create separate thread per single meetup and this worked quite well so far… Do you know any community which is successfully using this plugin already?

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Here’s an example of a calendar outside of a thread:
If you click on an event, and then the title, it takes you to a dedicated thread for that event.

I vote to keep a separate thread (no changes necessary).

I joined today’s meetup without any account. Are you sure that an account is needed?

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I think that it is not required (people without google account can join) when the meetup is started from some G Suite account.